How did we prototype Meal Mayhem?

This was written on 8/12/24

It was fun and simple to get out the first prototype. Earlier that day, we just brainstormed ideas for the game and had some things to purchase. That night, a few other people and I went out to the dollar store to get some items. As we looked around we saw these really cheap playing cards (click me). When we got back home, we wrote some orders of numbers (ex: 1 and 2) on a notepad. Then I set a 3 minute timer and we started playing. We realized that was too much time and kept on experimenting. When we got a product we liked, I colored different colors on the cards to make them look like different ingredients you would put on a sandwich. Then I made new little notes of orders (one was Bread, Ham, Lettuce, Cheese, Bread). We playtested and it came out well. This was only the first prototype.
